A walk in the alps (Axis Mundi)
2019 |
Combining sculpture, action and film ‘A walk in the Alps (Axis Mundi)’ was developed at Kunstdepot Göschenen in the Swiss Alps. Historically, the Axis Mundi was believed to be the centre of the world, with different mountains attributed to different cultures, such as Mount Fuji in Japan and Mount Zion in Jerusalem. These locations were seen as the meeting point of the four compass coordinates and the connection between the sky and earth. Within Göschenen a new axis is proposed, in line with the constant entropy of the Alps. Combining research into the utopian vision of the counter-culture community ‘Drop City’ and its demise (1965-71), Buckminster Fuller’s call for global awareness during the 1960’s and the myth of Sisyphus; A walk in the Alps (Axis Mundi) follows the journey of a geodesic sculpture as it is carried up an avalanche route within the Swiss Alps and the internal perspective as gravity returns it to the valley floor. |