The phrase ‘All Vertical Lines Intersect’ at first glance appears to be a false statement, in the sense that vertical lines are typically perceived as parallel. However, if we think about it on a larger scale, a vertical line in London will be at a very different angle to a vertical line in Berlin and they will converge if extended downward to the centre of the earth. These differences in angle will become smaller and smaller the closer the locations are, to the point that it’s unperceivable, yet theoretically they will still exist. Simply put, all vertical lines intersect. |
While in New Zealand at the beginning of 2013 I began a series of watercolour paintings. These watercolours employ gravity in their creation by simply hanging a large sheet of water colour vertically and applying a thick band of black watercolour paint along the top edge. Further water colour paint was added until the top portion of the sheet was completely saturated and a droplet broke through and ran down the sheet. The process was repeated in London with the sheet of paper kept in the same orientation, however as the England and New Zealand are almost exact antipodes up becomes down and the drip travels in the opposite direction. |